Whistleblowing channel
To promote an open, transparent and safe culture, we have introduced a whistleblowing channel. The introduction of the Whistleblower Protection Act and the European Union’s Whistleblower Protection Directive are the basis for the introduction of the Whistleblower Reporting System.
The Whistleblowing Channel provides a confidential channel to bring to internal investigation a suspicion of possible misconduct or policy violation. Whistleblowing can be done anonymously.
In the first instance, it is a good idea to raise your concern or suspicion with your line manager or management. If discussion does not seem to be a good option or does not work, you can always use this channel to report the matter. The whistleblowing channel has been implemented in such a way that the whistleblower cannot be identified if you wish to report anonymously.
All reports will be treated confidentially and in a way that protects the privacy of the whistleblower and the subject. Personal data is processed in accordance with the obligations under the Data Protection Act (1050/2018).
A report can be filed on the basis of suspicion and without actual evidence, as long as it is made honestly and in good faith. Whistleblowing reports are handled by Administration Manager and Safety Manager, who will launch the necessary investigations. Case management is confidential. Confidentiality also applies when the whistleblower reveals her/his/their identity.
If the report concerns one of the case managers, she/ he/they is not involved in the case management and investigation of the case.
Once received, we will acknowledge receipt of your report within 7 days. If necessary, we will ask you for further information during the investigation. This step will also be done through the channel, confidentially and anonymously. We will inform you of the outcome of the investigation via the First Whistle within 3 months of the notification.
At the end of the reporting process, you will receive a personal code to track the progress of the report.
If you have filed a report and lose the case code, we will ask you to file a new report referring to your original report. This will allow us to continue the investigation in cooperation with you.
You can report here: http://www.firstwhistle.fi/kspt
For more information on how to report, please visit our service provider’s website at
If our internal channel does not work, you can report abuse under the Whistleblower Protection Act to the Chancellor of Justice’s centralised external reporting channel. Please note that to qualify for whistleblower protection, irregularities in the organisation’s operations should be reported primarily through our internal reporting channel.